Wednesday, January 21

New Year !!!!!!

                                 neW YeAR!!!!!! 

                                          “Students, its new year!” the teacher said, “And I want all of you to write down five blessings that according to you would help you live this year to the fullest.”

The teacher, next, observed the students open their notebooks with intent. But as time passed half of them didn’t have a clue and the others, scratching their head from time to time, kept thinking. By the end of the class only two students came up with a complete list.

Little Danny’s list

1.) Our new i-10 car. 

2.) My X-Box.

3.) My pet dog Sammy. 

4.) Dad has increased my pocket money by 300 bucks. 

5.) My Adidas shoes. 

Little Johnny’s list:

1.) Two hands.

2.) Two legs.

3.) Two eyes.

4.) Will power.

5.) A dream. (I want to stand first in class this year)

Wednesday, January 7

WE the ENGINEERS !!!!!!!!!!

An engineer and a scientist are arguing about the merits of their respective callings.
Finally the scientist uses his trump card and says that engineering depends on pure science thus making science superior. Now there is no way the engg. is taking this stuff lightly, not after all the crap he went through to become one.
He tells the scientist lets have a contest. Whoever wins his field is better.
He holds up a paper plane and asks the scientist if he can predict where it is going to land up to a reasonable degree of accuracy. The scientist agrees.
He goes to his computer, inputs the variables, does a little fancy math and finally decides on a landing spot. The plane is launched and it looks as if the scientist is going to win but at the last moment a gust of air hits and the plane lands a little distance away. Now it is the engineers turn. He draws a small circle near his foot then crumples the plane and drops it in the circle.

Moral of the story: Improvise.And please dont mess with engineer's. They have it bad as it is...